Follow My Parcel
Series 2024
Taking parcel tracking to the next level
Great new features
What happens next?
Find out exactly how we are going to deliver your parcel, ensuring that you never miss a delivery again.
Driver profiles
Learn all about your driver with our full driver profiles. See their ratings, bio, feedback and even their favourite tune.
Dark Mode
Simply toggle the switch on any page of the site to switch between light and dark mode displays.
Rate your delivery
Let us know what we did right or where we could improve with the new rate your delivery feature.

What happens next: Get a detailed breakdown of your delivery
What happens next: Get a detailed breakdown of your delivery
See how your driver will deliver your parcel and with our delivery options you have full control of how your parcel is delivered.
Ensuring that you never miss a delivery again.

Choose your display mode
Dark mode is a bit like marmite, you either love it or hate it. One thing is for certain it is here to stay.
With our display toggle, the choice of light or dark mode is at your fingertips.

Choose your display mode
Dark mode is a bit like marmite, you either love it or hate it. One thing is for certain it is here to stay.
With our display toggle, the choice of light or dark mode is at your fingertips.

Rate your delivery and leave a compliment for your driver
Let us know how we did with the new rate your delivery feature.
You can also rate your driver and let them know what you thought they did best.

Learn about your driver
Learn all about the driver who is delivering your parcel, how many parcels they have delivered, a bit about them, the feedback they have received and even their favourite tune.
Making sure that your delivery experience is a great one.